
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Being a Mom

Before having Peyton I thought I had an idea of what it was going to be like being a mom. I knew I would be waking up during the night, changing diapers and loving her more than I thought possible, but there are some things that I just didn't even think of.

I had no idea of the feeling that you get when they cry. I pretty good at telling the difference between the hungry, tired and diaper change cries, but when she cries and she has a clean diaper, just woke up and was just fed my heart sinks into my stomach. I just want to make her happy and not knowing why she's crying is the worst.

I also had no idea how quickly she would be going through clothes. She's only 7 weeks old but she's wearing 3 month clothes, and in the sleep and play outfits she's wearing 6 month because her legs are so long. I've had people ask if she was older than 3 months. Part of me can't wait for her to get older and watch her learn but the other part of me wants her to be my little baby forever.

I thought this summer was going to be the best ever, on maternity leave, hanging with the baby by the pool, being outdoors all day, just living the dream. Well, I'm living the dream but it's not what I thought it'd be. I don't like brining her outside in the sun because I can't put sunscreen on her yet and there are bugs everywhere. We go on walks but it's just not how I pictured my summer. Plus she doesn't like to be too warm, she would much prefer to be inside in the air conditioning and I can't blame her for that.

Honestly, I don't mind getting up during the night, changing millions of diapers, staying inside all summer and everything else that happens when you have a baby. I love her so much and I wouldn't change a thing. I love watching her grow and discover new things and learn how to do new things. I love the way that she smiles at me and the way she snuggles her head against my chest when she's sleepy. I wouldn't change this time for the world. I can't wait to see what the next chapter is for us.

What was different then you thought it would be when you had kids?

Friday, June 26, 2015

Friday Fun

I'm getting back to the Friday Fun posts! These posts are to let you know what is coming up for me in the next week. This is the first Friday fun post since having the baby.

We don't really have too much going on next week. I'm planning on getting in 3 runs next week and 3 gym visits. If I can't get to the gym I will be doing some at home workouts.

Next weekend is the 4th of July so I am hoping to go to some local fireworks but we'll see how that goes because I don't want to keep the baby up too long and I'm afraid that she'll be scared of the loud noise. I don't know if the noise would bother her or not because she doesn't mind planes flying over the house and those can get pretty loud.

Early registration for the Princess Half Marathon opens on Tuesday so I am hoping to register. This is a big commitment because I will need to train while also caring for Baby K. I already know that Phil will be a great motivator for me so that will help me big time.

I also have a doctor's appointment next week so that will be fun.

Other than that we have nothing else going on. Hopefully I can get some long walks in with the baby and maybe some pool time. 

What do you have planned in the week coming up?

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Books I'm Loving- June

I thought that I would start a new monthly series about the books that I'm loving. Since having the baby I haven't read anything other than baby books and this post will be pretty short but I'm hoping that as the months go on it will get better.

The first book is The Wonder Weeks by Hetty van de Rijt, Ph.D and Frans Plooij, Ph.D.

Why I'm loving this book:
It talks about the developmental weeks in baby's first 20 months so you can understand what's going on with your baby and why they may be acting the way they are. It's interesting to see how much they are learning and how they cope with it. It gives the parents a look into what going on so they can help their babies cope with what is going on. I'm trying to only read based on where Baby K is so I haven't read the whole book but I'm loving it so far.

The second book is Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, M.D..

Why I'm loving this book:
This book discusses the sleep habits that babies and children should have so they are more rested when they wake up and are generally more happier. I talks about their naps, both morning and afternoon, and their nighttime sleep, how they are different and what you as parents should be doing. It also discusses how getting them to bed earlier will promote longer sleeping through the night. I haven't finished this book either, I'm about halfway done, but I am loving it. Baby K is not a colicky baby but the book also talks about babies who are and what the parents need to do differently for their babies who are.
Once I finish this book I would love to write a post about how we are implementing the sleep habits and how it's working.

That's all I have for June but check back next month to see what else I'm reading and loving!

What are some books you've read lately that you've loved?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Running Rant

Like I mentioned in my last post, I hope to sign up for the Princess Half Marathon next week during early registration. I will need to step up my running and training game so I will be able to run this race. I want to train better than I ever have, and that will be a little more difficult with the baby now, but my husband is so supportive so I don't think it will be a big problem.

Training wise I usually use an app on my phone that will tell me when to run and when to walk. Since getting a new phone in April I noticed that the app doesn't work now which is a bummer because I have been used to the particular app for the last few years. Last night while scrolling through the app store I noticed that Jeff Galloway has running apps! I was so happy because the  training programs on Run Disney are designed by Jeff Galloway. What better way to train than by using his app. Since I am starting all over again with running since being pregnant I decided to download the 5k app to try it out. As long as it goes well I will download the half marathon app to really step up my game and I'll try to keep you all posted as to what I think of the app.

Another thing that has me worried about training for a half marathon in February is that I will need to run some, or all, of the runs at the end of the training on a treadmill. I live in the northeast and there is no way that I'm going for a run in freezing temperatures in December and January. The treadmill and I don't always get along but if I have built up a good running base this summer and fall I'm hoping that I should be all set to run on the treadmill in the colder months.

I think that sums it up for this week's Running Rant. Let me know if you found any good run training apps or if you've tried the Jeff Galloway app and what you think of it. Do you dislike treadmill running as much as me?

Monday, June 22, 2015

Life After Baby

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I would do an update post and then get back on the blogging horse.

So, Baby K was born on May 6th and totally changed our lives and we are so in love with her. The labor and delivery were relatively easy, can I say that without sounding like someone you want to punch? LOL After two days in the hospital we were home and trying to figure out life with one more person in the mix. I have to say, we have been doing pretty well.

I had my postpartum appointment today and I can start running and going to the gym again! I am so happy that I decided to go for a run this afternoon in 90 degree weather. That's not something that I normally would do but I couldn't hold back my excitement.

Here's what I learned on my run today:
1. I missed it so much
2. I'm much slower, but I have confidence that I will get my speed back
3. I am definitely signing up for the Princess Half Marathon in Disney World.

Since we are DVC members I will hopefully be able to sign up during early registration next week, but if not I will try during the regular registration in a few weeks. I honestly can't wait to really start training for another race. I know that I am really crazy by deciding to run a half marathon 9 months after having a baby, but I know it will help keep me sane because I'll have me time to think and get all the stress out.

I am also really excited to be going back to Disney World, as log as I register for the race successfully. We went last May and haven't been back since and we had been going twice a year so to only go once last year and no trips this year is tough.

On another note, I have discussed on here before that we were thinking about relocating to Florida and it looks like we might actually be doing it. We don't have all the details firmed up yet but we are getting closer to deciding. This would be such a big change for us so we are really taking this seriously and weighing all our options.

So that's all I have for today, but since I am going to be home for another 5 weeks I hope to start posting more and to get on a regular schedule. See you soon!

What were you excited to start doing again after you had your baby? Any good training programs or apps you recommend?