
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

30 Day Fitness Challenge

I LOVE PINTEREST!!  It gives me some really great ideas.  The newest idea, the 30 day challenge.  I found three different 30 day challenges that I am going to start tonight.  I am going to combine these with my running and core work to have a lean, mean, fitness machine by the end of August.
I will be updating this blog each Sunday to post how the challenge is going.
So, the three challenges are squats, planks and pushups.  I am really excited for this next month and I hope that I'm able to reach the end and come out a healthier, fitter person!
Have you tried any 30 day challenges?  How'd you do?

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Wolverine - Review

So I didn't have time this morning to write my review before work this morning.  Sorry for that, but here is my thoughts on the movie.  Don't worry, no spoilers.
As I said in my previous post, I am a huge Marvel geek.  The X-Men have some of my favorite Marvel characters and Wolverine is at the top of that list.
When I first saw the trailer for this newest Wolverine movie I must say, I was confused.  I think it was the whole traveling to Japan thing that I was unsure about.  But I was pleasantly surprised by how the film turned out.
It had it's ups and downs and slow parts, which every movie has.  I mean, you can't make everyone happy.  But I enjoyed the story and the action was amazing!  I don't really want to give anything away but I liked the fusion between the normal Wolverine style of fighting and the Japanese ninjas and samurai.  There is a fight scene on a bullet train that was really exciting.
Don't forget to stay after the movie finishes through the credits because there is a scene that hints towards the X-Men movie that comes out next May.
Did you see the movie yet?  What are your thoughts?

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Movie Time

Tonight is the night!  It's movie premier time!!  I love going to midnight showings of new movies.  In my little neck of the woods we have showings before midnight so I'm going at 10:00. Tonights movie is The Wolverine and I cannot wait.
I have loved Marvel since I was a kid and have always loved the X-Men.  I have read some really good reviews about this newest Wolverine movie so I have really high hopes about this.
I will hopefully have a review up tomorrow, probably in the morning, after I have a little bit of sleep.
Are you planning on seeing this movie this weekend or another movie?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Doctor

Late last week I was introduced to Doctor Who.
I know, I know, I'm a little late to the game, but let me say, it's amazing!  It's a really hard show to describe but for those that have watched it there is no other.
I started it last Thursday and I haven't been able to stop watching it.  I am already on season three!!
I am on the tenth Doctor, who is my favorite so far.  David Tennant is just brilliant!!
I love the whole idea of the show and the character relationships are wonderful!

Have you seen the show?  What are your thoughts?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Foam Rolling Joy

So, since this morning was too hot to run I decided it would be nice to do some core work and foam roll.
New to foam rolling?  I was a few months ago and now I can't imagine my routine without it.  Foam rolling is basically a really nice deep tissue massage for your muscles.  You use a foam roller, which you can find at any sports store, and you roll your body over it slowly.  It looks sort of like a bigger pool noodle but is firmer than one.
I only use it on my legs so I don't know how well it works for arms.  I like to use it after my runs and when my legs are feeling tight.  It's really good at loosening my muscles and my legs are so happy afterward.
I was having really bad IT Band pain while running and walking and after about two weeks using the roller I had no pain.
My roller came with a list of stretches that you can do but you can also find some by searching the internet or my favorite site, Pinterest!
A word of caution though, the first few times you use it, it really hurts.  I like to tell people that so they aren't surprised by it.  I am really glad that someone told me because I would have stopped using the roller and wasted my $30.00.  It does get better though.  The more you use it the better you feel.

Go check it out and let me know how it works for you!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Reading Machine

So, another one of my favorite things is reading.
I have always loved to pick up a book and escape into the world that the author wrote.  When I was much younger I used to go to a local bookstore and sit in there for hours reading the back covers of books dreaming of the huge library that I would have in my house.
Now the library is a couple of bookcases and my beloved Kindle.
What's better than being able to finish a book and instantly have the next book ready to read without having to leave your house?  
But I also love real books.  I love the feel of the pages and the smell of the paper and ink.  To me each book has it's own distinct scent and I LOVE that!!
I just finished a book tonight and downloaded the next one in the series so I can start that later tonight or tomorrow.
I am reading The Mortal Instruments series.  I just finished City of Glass and let me tell you, Cassandra Clare is amazing!!  Once I finish this series I will be reading more from her.  If you haven't read The Mortal Instruments yet I recommend that you pick up the first book, City of Bones, and get reading!  Plus the movie adaptation of the book comes out next month so you can have something to compare it to.

Hazy, Hot and Humid

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only active person that hates the phrase "Hazy, Hot and Humid".  For me, when I hear that I just want to lock myself in the air conditioned house and not come out until fall.
But when you're training for a race you have to brave the elements and get outside.  I woke up a little earlier than I normally would have just so I could run before going to work and before it got crazy hot today.
I must say, it still was hot but I pushed through.  My workout today was 52 minutes long and I ending up going 4.33 miles.  Not bad if I do say so myself!
My next running workout will be 54 minutes long and will have a lot more running.
I use a run training app on my phone that tells me when to run and when to walk so I can build my running base up.  It's working really good because I've never gotten this far into the program before.  I usually give up and start running on my own, but I figured that I needed to be prepared a little better this time around.

Happy Running!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's Training Time

Hi all!!  I'm Kara and this is my first ever blog post!  I am going to start using this blog to talk about my running and we will see where it goes from there.
A few months ago I signed up for my very first half marathon (eeeekkk)!  I am so nervous but I thought if I could talk about my experience training then maybe it wouldn't be that bad.
The race is in November and it's in my favorite place, Disney World!!  It's the Wine and Dine Half Marathon.  I will be running the race by myself but my husband will be waiting at the finish line, as will a large drink! ;)  I thought that if I were going to finally run a half marathon the best place to start would be Disney World.
I made it my resolution this year that I would run a half marathon because each year my distances have been getting longer.  Starting from my very first 5k back in 2010 I have run a total of 5 5ks and 3 10ks. My only issue is that once I sign up for the race my training tends to fall by the wayside but I try so hard to be better.  This race is different because it will be my first race where you have to finish in a certain amount of time.  I want to finish this race and I want to try and run the whole thing!
Currently we are having a heat wave up here in the Northeast so the running has been a little slower for me.  I've had two days off but I will need to run tomorrow morning so I don't get too far behind.  Let's hope all goes well in the morning and I can get my running butt out the door!!