
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas


It's one of my favorite days of the year! We usually have a restful morning and exchange gifts at home and then we go off to visit family and come home later tonight.

Last night we spent the night exchanging gifts with my husband's family. It's a yearly tradition that it always so much fun.

I will hopefully have more time now to post, so, stay tuned!

Have a nice day with friends and family!!!

What are some of your family traditions?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Still Here

So we are only days away from Christmas and I haven't had a moment to catch up on anything! I wanted to start a new book this month, but that's not going to happen. I have also been slacking on my workouts, and I can totally tell that I need to get back to the grind.
Almost all of the Christmas shopping is done and it has all been wrapped. We just have a few more last minute things to pick up and I need to buy some stocking stuffers. Hoping to get back to a regular schedule soon.

Does anyone else feel like this year the holiday feels rushed??

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Busy, Busy, Busy

The holiday season has officially begun! I have been so busy this month and it's only a week in. This weekend I haven't even had time to relax.
Friday night I went to my work Christmas party and didn't get home until very late. Then we had a family get together on Saturday. Today I went to a cookie swap and missed a lot of football.
Although it has been busy I wouldn't trade it. This time of year is always busy but it's so much fun to see family and friends!
I kinda slaked on my workouts this past week but I hope to get back into the swing of things this week. I have lots of cookies at the house from the swap today, so I need to be good this week!

What fun get togethers have you been to so far this season?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Bad Day

I woke up this morning with good intentions of having a great day. Unfortunately the day didn't work out that way.
Without too much complaining on the matter, work was terrible. I tried so hard to keep my positivity up, even tried to give myself a pep talk in the bathroom mirror. Nothing worked.
I feel so blessed to have a job and kept reminding myself that today. I just couldn't wait to get home tonight and relax.
Hopefully tomorrow is a better day.

What do you do when you're having a bad day?