
Saturday, June 27, 2015

Being a Mom

Before having Peyton I thought I had an idea of what it was going to be like being a mom. I knew I would be waking up during the night, changing diapers and loving her more than I thought possible, but there are some things that I just didn't even think of.

I had no idea of the feeling that you get when they cry. I pretty good at telling the difference between the hungry, tired and diaper change cries, but when she cries and she has a clean diaper, just woke up and was just fed my heart sinks into my stomach. I just want to make her happy and not knowing why she's crying is the worst.

I also had no idea how quickly she would be going through clothes. She's only 7 weeks old but she's wearing 3 month clothes, and in the sleep and play outfits she's wearing 6 month because her legs are so long. I've had people ask if she was older than 3 months. Part of me can't wait for her to get older and watch her learn but the other part of me wants her to be my little baby forever.

I thought this summer was going to be the best ever, on maternity leave, hanging with the baby by the pool, being outdoors all day, just living the dream. Well, I'm living the dream but it's not what I thought it'd be. I don't like brining her outside in the sun because I can't put sunscreen on her yet and there are bugs everywhere. We go on walks but it's just not how I pictured my summer. Plus she doesn't like to be too warm, she would much prefer to be inside in the air conditioning and I can't blame her for that.

Honestly, I don't mind getting up during the night, changing millions of diapers, staying inside all summer and everything else that happens when you have a baby. I love her so much and I wouldn't change a thing. I love watching her grow and discover new things and learn how to do new things. I love the way that she smiles at me and the way she snuggles her head against my chest when she's sleepy. I wouldn't change this time for the world. I can't wait to see what the next chapter is for us.

What was different then you thought it would be when you had kids?