
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Feeling Crafty

I've been feeling super crafty lately and I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant or because the holidays are approaching. Either way I feel like I need to do something BIG.

Pinterest is a dangerous thing, especially for someone who's already feeling crafty. I already have a list of things that I saw on Pinterest that I want to do. So get ready, Crafty Kara is coming your way! There will be pictures with whatever I do so I hope the world is ready!

What have you done lately to be crafty?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Big News

I have been waiting so long to write this post!

The Hubby and I are expecting! 

I am 14 weeks and feeling great. I didn't really have any problems in the first trimester. I was just really tired and had no energy to do anything. I had a few days where I felt car sick but other than that, I've been good.

I am starting to get my energy back and I'm not so tired anymore, which is a good thing. I can wait to start working out more. The weather is supposed to be nice today so I will be going for a walk later.

I took a few days off from work to get some stuff done around the house and today is my last day off. I am trying to prepare myself for the craziness of tomorrow at work. Only 26 more weeks and then it's baby time!

We are still talking about me becoming a stay at home mom, which I would love to do. I know it will be tough but I also know that I am strong enough to do it. I have also been reading up on homeschool and I think I would like to do that as well, but that's a bit further up the road.

There's also a possibility that we could be moving down to Florida. I'm not sure when, but I hope it's after the baby is born, but if the opportunity comes before, we will just have to work with that.

I'm hoping to start doing weekly pregnancy blogs so stay tuned!

Did you become a stay at home mom? Did you go back to work? Moving while having a baby, have we lost our minds?