
Saturday, November 8, 2014

Feeling Crafty

I've been feeling super crafty lately and I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant or because the holidays are approaching. Either way I feel like I need to do something BIG.

Pinterest is a dangerous thing, especially for someone who's already feeling crafty. I already have a list of things that I saw on Pinterest that I want to do. So get ready, Crafty Kara is coming your way! There will be pictures with whatever I do so I hope the world is ready!

What have you done lately to be crafty?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Big News

I have been waiting so long to write this post!

The Hubby and I are expecting! 

I am 14 weeks and feeling great. I didn't really have any problems in the first trimester. I was just really tired and had no energy to do anything. I had a few days where I felt car sick but other than that, I've been good.

I am starting to get my energy back and I'm not so tired anymore, which is a good thing. I can wait to start working out more. The weather is supposed to be nice today so I will be going for a walk later.

I took a few days off from work to get some stuff done around the house and today is my last day off. I am trying to prepare myself for the craziness of tomorrow at work. Only 26 more weeks and then it's baby time!

We are still talking about me becoming a stay at home mom, which I would love to do. I know it will be tough but I also know that I am strong enough to do it. I have also been reading up on homeschool and I think I would like to do that as well, but that's a bit further up the road.

There's also a possibility that we could be moving down to Florida. I'm not sure when, but I hope it's after the baby is born, but if the opportunity comes before, we will just have to work with that.

I'm hoping to start doing weekly pregnancy blogs so stay tuned!

Did you become a stay at home mom? Did you go back to work? Moving while having a baby, have we lost our minds?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

How Did I Get Here?

This morning was a rough one. It's one that I've had before and I'm sure I'll have it again. I am feeling so incredibly unfit it's not even funny. My pants are tight, and my mood is terrible. This is the point that I was in a few years ago when I started running. I started running for a change in my workouts and found out how much I enjoy it. The problem is that I got too comfortable running and I started slacking. Running six days a week slowly changed to five, then four, then three and so on. It got to the point where I was going weeks without running.
Now, I've gone the whole winter without running, or going to the gym for that matter, and I wonder why I'm feeling this way. This is my fault and it's something that I need to overcome with my workouts. I need to be held accountable! 
This blog will be taking a different turn as I go through this self-discovery journey through my workouts. I know that I will have good days and bad but starting now I need to hold myself accountable for everything that I do. I've come to realize that I am a much happier person when I get my act together and workout.
Here comes the new me!

Monday, January 20, 2014

Manic Monday

Back to the grind today. Monday's are so rough. Wouldn't life be so much easier if weekends were three days instead of two? Just when you've started to relax you're right back to work again. It's such a vicious cycle.

Every Sunday I paint my nails and this weekend I was inspired by Frozen, and the freezing temperatures here in New England. I used some of my OPI Liquid Sand nail polish to create this look. The blue is Tiffany Case and the White is Solitaire. I love the Liquid Sand polishes because you don't need a top coat and they dry really fast.

I also bought some new Dr. Who inspired polish that I will be reviewing soon.

What are your favorite nail polishes? Do you paint your nails yourself or do you go to a salon?

Sunday, January 19, 2014


So, yesterday was a snowy Saturday here in New England. Hubby and I decided to go to the movies because we needed to get out of the house. Since it was snowing we decided to go see Frozen. I've been wanting to see this movie since it came out in November. We've just been so busy that we haven't had time to go to the movies. I was really happy that there were still showings.

I thought the movie was great! The songs were catchy and I'm still singing them! I even downloaded the soundtrack. I thought that it was a great story and I loved that the two main characters were sisters, I have a special place in my heart for sister stories. I  will even admit that I teared up a bit.

I had read that people were saying that this was the best Disney movie since The Lion King. I thought that it was really good but there were a lot of movies since The Lion King that were great. I loved the special cameo with Rapunzel and Flynn at the coronation (keep your eyes peeled or you might miss them).

I will definitely be buying this on Blu-Ray when it comes out in March. I also can't wait to get my picture with Anna and Elsa when we go back to Disney World in May.

Have you seen Frozen? What did you think?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Back in the Swing

I am such a bad runner! I have been slacking pretty much since the Wine and Dine Half and I am not happy. I haven't even been going to the gym. Sometimes life just gets too crazy and work takes over, at least that what I tell myself to feel better about doing NOTHING! 
I think that I just needed a break after all that training for the half. I am now ready to turn it up and learn how to run just to run and not just to train for races. This has always been something that I've struggled with. I tend to sign up for a race and then train, train, train and once the race is over I slack until I have to start training for the next race.
This will be something that I will work on so I can become more of the runner that I want to be.  I just want to run for the pure joy of running, because I really do love it.
So far this week I have run twice! So happy with myself. I did a treadmill run yesterday and then I braved the cold New England air for a run after work today. Also got to use my Garmin watch that was a Christmas gift and I loved it!

What are some of your tips to run and not just train for races?

Monday, January 13, 2014


I have joined Bloglovin!  Click on the link below to follow me!!  Can't wait to reach out to more people, or just people in general, lol.

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a> 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Kids Today

"These kids today don't know what it's like to..." 

It's how I've been feeling lately, OLD.  I don't know why, maybe it's the holidays and having to work so much lately.  This time of year is always busy at work and it's hard to keep a positive attitude. So I made an impulse buy last week to cheer me up. I bought the Boy Meets World Complete Series.
I started watching it this weekend and I'm already on season 3! It's such a good show and I can honestly say that I am enjoying reliving a little bit of my youth.

It has gotten me thinking though. They just don't make tv shows like they used to. I don't really watch a lot of shows for younger people but I'm pretty sure there are no shows like this one. Shows "back in the day" always had a lesson in them along with the comedy. They were just something that the whole family could watch together. Don't even get me started on how much I miss TGIF! Great programming at it's best.

For now I will just sit back and enjoy the rest of the series!

What were some of your favorite shows growing up?

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

Well, another year has passed and I new one has begun. I love the "clean-slate" feeling a new year brings. It's chance to make changes and try to live life in a better way.
Last year I said I wanted to run a half marathon in 2013. I'm happy to say that I made that happen! This year I have a few goals, one of them is to run more, I have been slacking a little in the department.
After going to dinner with my sister for her birthday, Hubby and I spent the night relaxing at home. Of course we watched the ball drop, it's one of my favorite things. It's also nice to have a day off from work. Back to the grind tomorrow though.

Hope you have a great 2014!!

What did you do for New Year's?