
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

It's Training Time

Hi all!!  I'm Kara and this is my first ever blog post!  I am going to start using this blog to talk about my running and we will see where it goes from there.
A few months ago I signed up for my very first half marathon (eeeekkk)!  I am so nervous but I thought if I could talk about my experience training then maybe it wouldn't be that bad.
The race is in November and it's in my favorite place, Disney World!!  It's the Wine and Dine Half Marathon.  I will be running the race by myself but my husband will be waiting at the finish line, as will a large drink! ;)  I thought that if I were going to finally run a half marathon the best place to start would be Disney World.
I made it my resolution this year that I would run a half marathon because each year my distances have been getting longer.  Starting from my very first 5k back in 2010 I have run a total of 5 5ks and 3 10ks. My only issue is that once I sign up for the race my training tends to fall by the wayside but I try so hard to be better.  This race is different because it will be my first race where you have to finish in a certain amount of time.  I want to finish this race and I want to try and run the whole thing!
Currently we are having a heat wave up here in the Northeast so the running has been a little slower for me.  I've had two days off but I will need to run tomorrow morning so I don't get too far behind.  Let's hope all goes well in the morning and I can get my running butt out the door!!