
Thursday, July 18, 2013

Foam Rolling Joy

So, since this morning was too hot to run I decided it would be nice to do some core work and foam roll.
New to foam rolling?  I was a few months ago and now I can't imagine my routine without it.  Foam rolling is basically a really nice deep tissue massage for your muscles.  You use a foam roller, which you can find at any sports store, and you roll your body over it slowly.  It looks sort of like a bigger pool noodle but is firmer than one.
I only use it on my legs so I don't know how well it works for arms.  I like to use it after my runs and when my legs are feeling tight.  It's really good at loosening my muscles and my legs are so happy afterward.
I was having really bad IT Band pain while running and walking and after about two weeks using the roller I had no pain.
My roller came with a list of stretches that you can do but you can also find some by searching the internet or my favorite site, Pinterest!
A word of caution though, the first few times you use it, it really hurts.  I like to tell people that so they aren't surprised by it.  I am really glad that someone told me because I would have stopped using the roller and wasted my $30.00.  It does get better though.  The more you use it the better you feel.

Go check it out and let me know how it works for you!

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